Archive for the ‘Apple’ Category

AppleInsider has an interesting take on this Adobe-Apple war. The unique thing in the article is how they tries to fit the pieces of this jigsaw in a historical perspective (from postscript days).

Click here to read the article in its entirety.

Year 1994. Not really the dawn of human civilization (Humans were already civilized by then. At least most of them 🙂 ).

But for me it was the beginning of a love-hate relationship. This is the year I touched computer for the first time and boy I hated it. I kept on hating it for the next 4-5 years until it was finally thrown in my lap. I realized what I was going through is a resistance to initiation. Giving up was the only choice. Plus porn was picking up as well.

Fast forward to 2010.

I can’t think what to do if I don’t have a computer near me. I won’t be able to write that Last Great American screenplay I want to write since forever. The trouble is if I have a computer in front of me which is capable of connecting to the Internet the first thing I’ll do is check my yahoo mail. Pop goes the productivity.

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the age of Internet Addiction.

Extent of the problem

“You are not alone.”

Believe it or not the problem is more widespread than you can think of.  Most of the people I know check their work mails, sometimes as late as 1:00 AM in the night to as early as 6:00 AM in the morning. Just other day I was standing in the line to get a sandwich at Subway and there was this lady in early thirties checking her Facebook status on her iPhone (Maybe looking at her hookup requests). It’s not that communicating is bad but Facebook during lunch can only mean one of the two things — Either you are an addict or you really want to get laid by somebody, anybody.

How to know you are an addict

This website conducts an online test to check if you are an addict or not. Off course the credibility of test solely rests on the truthfulness of your response.

This website uses some scoring system and based on that you’ll know if you really need some help.

What to do if you are addict

Denial is the first thing you’ll do. 🙂

If it’s a serious problem that affects your productivity or worse personal relationships then consider it the same as drug addiction. This institute somewhere in Midwest charges fifteen grand to fix your addiction.

What to do for Addicts in progress


If you think you are on that path do something. Start with the smaller problem first. Tackling internet addiction.

For me unfortunately writing can be done on computer only unless humanity / technology folds ( à la Escape from LA).

For my addiction I use a very simple software called Freedom. This is available for both mac and windows.

What it does is disables your internet up to 8 hours. A lot can be done in 8 hours.

This can be started as a temporary solution and once you feel comfortable you can stop using it. If you think this program really helped you, please consider donating to the developer. He just saved you $15000.

Internet is without question the wonderful source of information but it poses one simple challenge — when to stop?

Remember “abundance of information always creates deficit of attention“.

OK. I admit the title is way too corny.

I have been a proud owner of a 16GB iPad since day one (as thousands other). In last 3-4 days two people have asked me a disturbing question:


“Do you still like it?”

If you don’t wanna sound an idiot with a buyer’s remorse you will say a canned response: “Oh I love it”

But the question is do I still love it.

In all fairness iPad is a magical device. Something which never saw light of the day until now. I am sure much better device will be launched in the days to come. However the question is not about whether it is good or bad but “do you still like it”

I think most of the impulsive buyers are more often than not scared to admit this fact. It is well known fact that the novelty of device wears in a week or two. If you don’t want to feel this remorse then you better find reason to keep on using it.

I have a known history of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) as most of the people who are on internet these days. I remember buying PSP years ago, using it for a month and then stopped using it for next 2-3 years and finally passing it on to my seven year old nephew.

Will iPad be able to sustain its novelty?

I think good thing with apple’s product is how they feed their fanboys. One of the reason upgrades are a successful model is it breathes new life in the product (Hardware / Software). If only people could upgrade their girlfriend / boyfriend / whatnot.

iPhone or iPod for that matter has been constantly upgraded in the past via OS and so far Apple managed to feed it’s consumer’s need for novelty.

iPad is certainly not a computer replacement and it’s definitely not a do-it-all device but it is undeniably a replace-many device.

If you love (or pretend to love) reading books then you will probably enjoy three of the best iPad apps – Kindle, iBooks and GoodReader. You can stream movies in Netflix or ABC Player and (HTML5 version coming soon). Play some silly games. Or just surf the web if you are an internet addict.

However what you cannot do easily is create content.

If you belong to any of the categories above you might just find it useful enough.

Last thing you want to hear is a statement from your wife “I think you lost interest”.

Believe me It’s the same feeling as getting caught with another girl, in a hotel, in Vegas.